News & Media
- Intensiv Winning Big Science Contracts i Uppsala
- Jubileumsfirande: Sverige 10 år som värdland för ESS
- Grattis: Mångmiljonorder från EISCAT till Qamcom
- RISE i Borås firade Världsmetrologidagen och det nya måttsystemet (SI)
- Vi söker en affärsutvecklare och projektledare till Big Science Sweden
- Aerospace och Big Science Morning i Kalix, Luleå, Piteå och Umeå
- Lärorik Big Science Contracts i Göteborg
- Big Science Sweden träffade svenska inköpare på CERN
- Företag pitchade för ESS på Big Science Morning
- Sandvik Materials Technology stoltserar med en stororder från CERN
- Invigning av norra noden på Luleå Science Park
- Fullsatt AF i Lund med AI-konferens och workshop tillsammans med ESS
- Tre minuters introduktion till MAX IV:s synkrotronljusanläggning
- Arbetsmöte i Kiruna med hela Big Science Swedens arbetsgrupp
- Lund Big Science Morning hos Advanced Vacuum i Lomma
- CERN:s nya portal för dig som leverantör
- Anna Hall och Fredrik Engelmark, svenska ILO:er var på CERN i en vecka
- Representanter från rymd, Big Data och Big Science samlades under två dagar i Luleå
- Big Science Morning hos Carlsson & Möller som bjöd på intressant rundtur
- Nyfiken på Fredrik Engelmark som leder Uppsalanoden
- – Sverige behöver muskler och ett tydligt uppdrag för att implementera ESS-strategin
- Elmia: CERN letar svenska leverantörer med spetskompetens
- Meet us at the Chalmers Centre Day, November 14
- 40-tal svenska företag har bokade möten med CERN genom Big Science Sweden
- Kort film: Varför byggs ESS – världens mest kraftfulla neutronkälla?
- Fullsatt AIMday Materials på Ångströmlaboratoriet i november
- Scandinavian Instruments i Köpenhamn – en heldag med fokus på instrumenten till Big Science
- Vad tyckte svensk-danska leverantörer om DESY och XFEL
- The Swedish Guide – high-tech suppliers for Big Science har sett dagens ljus. Edition Zero.
- Succé på Elmia då svenska företag passade på att presentera sin verksamhet för CERN
- Hela nationella teamet på Big Science Sweden samlat för två intensiva strategidagar
- Fullt hus när inköpare från MAX IV och ESS mötte leverantörer på Big Science Morning i Lund
- Invigning av Big Science Swedens västra nod och workshop i RF-teknologi
- Intressant föredrag på LTH med rundvisning av HV-modulatorer till ESS
- Svenskt konsortium och svenskt pulver ger nya förutsättningar för ITER
- Grattis: DVel levererar mätsystem till Studsvik
- Big Science Morning med engagerade företagare från Skellefteå, Umeå och Lycksele
- God Jul och Gott Nytt innovativt 2019 önskar hela nationella Big Science Sweden-teamet
- Möt Stefan Wikman, ansvarig för material och tillverkning av fusionsreaktorsmaterial på ITER
- Högt i tak på seminariet, Nya material och materialutmaningar inom Big Science
- DESY Photon User's meeting i Hamburg
- Vi arrangerar utbildningen Winning Big Science Contracts i Lund, Göteborg och Uppsala.
- Håll dig informerad om aktuella upphandlingar och utnyttja våra kontakter och tjänster
- ABB tar betydande order från CERN
- Kursen Winning Big Science Contracts i Lund
- The Swedish Guide år 2019 har sett dagens ljus
- 120 one-to-one meetings när svenska företag följde med på Business Trip till CERN
- CERN och jakten på att lösa gåtor om universums uppkomst
- Så kan det gå till…. CERN hittar svenska leverantörer
- Fler medarbetare till Big Science Swedens nationella team
- Säkerhetsfrågor i fokus på Big Science Morning hos medlemsföretaget Axis
- God uppslutning på Rymdforum 2019 i Trollhättan
- Samarbete i ett nytt ILO-nätverk
- Investeringsvåg på ITER - 1 miljard euro per år
- Svenska paviljongen: ITER Business Forum mars 2019
- Big Science Sweden på Hannover Messe i april 2019
- Internationella samarbeten – så här gör vi på Big Science Sweden
- Välbesökt teknikmässa i Mölndal
- IPAC20 – Big Science Sweden deltar på världens största acceleratormässa
- Fint besök från Combient
- "Hur landar vi rymdinvesteringar på jorden” med bl a Christer Fuglesang i panelen.
- Big Science Sweden var förstås i Almedalen!
- Big Science Morning om ITER och kommande inköpsbehov. Se filmen från mötet.
- Grattis BUMAX, en av våra 157 kvalificerade Big Science-leverantörer
- Många beröringspunkter industri och akademi
- Stort intresse för utbildning i ultrahögt vakuum
- Big Science Morning på fyra orter med CERN på videolänk och möjlighet till egna frågor
- Välbesökt European Cryogenic Days i Lund
- Luma Metall wins substantial order from CERN
- Fler affärer för Sverige på ITER
- Big Science Sweden med på Godmorgon Lund
- Big Science Sweden Conference in Pictures
- Var med i nästa upplaga av The Swedish Guide to Big Science
- Big Science Sweden 2019 och årets som varit
- Kickoff i Neapel • Big Science Sweden medverkar i ENTRIITC
- Fagerström utvalda till europeiska SME-spåret på BSBF2020
- Uppsala universitet satsar 80 miljoner på teknikmiljö för avancerad forskningsutrustning
- Grattis till Fagerström som fått en mångmiljonorder vid ESO i Chile
- Malmö Mönsterkort gör runt 2000 unika prototyper per år
- Go Virtual vinner stororder till CERN
- Big Science Virtual Workshop 11 maj 2020
- Big Science Morning 20200422
- Big Science Virtual Workshop • 15 European countries represented
- Procurements in the EU
- Big Science Sweden welcomes new colleagues
- European Strategy for Particle Physics 2020
- Big Science Sweden in partnership with the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group
- Examec a regular supplier to CERN
- Qtech Group receives order from ESS
- BigScience@LU • Academic input in Big Science facilities
- Big Science Sweden Conference 2020
- New office will maximise Sweden’s benefit from ESS and MAX IV
- Qamcom wins order for major space project
- 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics
- Ahead of the Big Science Sweden Conference 2020
- Information Day on Nuclear Doors (TB20), 5 November, 2020
- Big Science Morning – an effective meeting place
- Discovery Day – Innovate with CERN
- Focused Technical Workshop: Remote Handling
- Collaboration between ESS and DESY
- CERN Alumni Advent Calendar
- Big Science Sweden Award
- Congratulations Load!
- AQ Elautomatik to supply power converter racks to CERN
- Specialist expertise in processing of exotic materials led to CERN order
- The Swedish Guide 2021
- BigScience@ Workshops
- New era for radio astronomy • Launch of international observatory SKAO
- BSBF2021 Procurement Handbook
- Data handling at Big Science Morning
- Successes for our member company, MCT Brattberg
- Proact IT Sweden to provide IT infrastructure
- Two intensive days at Remote ITER Business Meeting
- Everyday challenges and opportunities for AB Carlsson & Möller – a Big Science supplier
- Big Science Sweden In Brief 2020
- Industry data leads to innovation - if shared
- Improve your skills in measurement technology
- Popular technical workshop on carbon fibre
- Popular seminar on collaboration between industry and academia
- AQ Elautomatik awarded ESS contract for CHIC control sub-racks
- EKN for more secure business transactions and lower risks
- EC Konsult signs new framework agreement with ESS
- The Swedish Guide 2021 – now published
- Big Science Sweden members in ESS framework agreement
- Important milestone for The Quantum Group
- Discuss the challenges facing Big Science research facilities
- Debate article raises issues regarding Sweden’s advanced technology environments
- Quality Management event attracts great interest
- BSBF Webinar Miniseries
- ESS on Vetenskapsradion
- Funding for persons developing research infrastructure
- BSBF Webinar: Astronomy
- Openings for Swedish high-tech industry
- Good mix of disciplines and many interesting discussions at AIMday Materials 2021
- The Gold Medal by IVA, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
- BSBF Fusion: Need for new materials and mechanical components up until 2050-2070
- Strategy Days in Borås
- BSBF High-Energy Accelerators and Synchrotrons: Need for co-operation with industry
- Innovate with Big Science: Knowledge transfer – how do we make it happen?
- Big Science Sweden observes measurements at MAX IV
- 2021 is soon at its end...
- Nuclear fusion reactor smashes energy record
- Team members you may not have met
- Tomorrow’s top scientists and innovators must include women
- Focused Technical Workshop: Materials for Future Electronics and Digitalisation
- Fagerström Industrikonsult supplies robots to Forsmark nuclear power plant
- RFR Solutions to supply equipment to CERN for high-tech research
- Nordic ITER Business Forum
- Big Science Sweden team visits ESS and MAX IV
- UppTalk Weekly – particle accelerators and their applications on the agenda
- Sweden wins ITER contract for pilot study
- Eight Swedish companies pitched their offers to Assystem
- Event Manager at Big Science Sweden
- Come to BSBF2022 – the congress for Big Science and industry
- Fancy working as a technician at CERN? Get your application in rapidly – deadline is 31 May.
- Catarina Sahlberg appointed new programme director for Big Science Sweden
- Steering Committee enjoys ESS tour
- ABB and CERN in new innovation partnership
- Respond to the Market Survey for the SKA MID radio telescope
- Big Science Sweden welcomes a new colleague
- Big Science ecosystem in focus at BigScience@RISE
- Great interest in first Thematic Industry Days at CERN
- Meeting old friends and making new contacts – Big Science Sweden at BSBF in Granada, Spain
- Check out our report from BSBF2022
- Remote handling – applications and upcoming needs at ITER, ESS and CERN
- The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) radio telescope is now looking for Swedish suppliers
- “Student programme at CERN opened the door to a career in Big Science”
- Philip Gillgard joins Big Science Sweden Knowledge Transfer Office
- Intensive ILO meeting at European XFEL
- Industry must also be given access to ESS and MAX IV
- Habia Cable wins order to supply sample cable to CERN
- More Big Science for Norrbotten
- Improve your skills with RISE – see the courses on offer in the spring programme
- Swedish high-tech suppliers gave sales pitch at FAIR
- Alleima: “Interesting to see how our material can be used at CERN.”
- AIMday Materials: 15 companies, 40 researchers, 22 challenges
- Intensive period for careers initiative
- Collaboration the driver of innovation and high-level research
- ENCCS provides support in accessing and using supercomputers
- Study visit to XFEL and Desy
- Professional support for innovation
- Welcome Max Collins, new member of the Big Science Sweden team
- Sweden, Denmark and Estonia in successful collaboration at IPAC’23
- New Director of MAX IV
- Constructive visit to MAX IV
- New window on the universe
- Check out: How to Register and Submit Bids (BiSS Lathund)
- Big Science Sweden team gets a glimpse into space
- New ITER contract will create openings for Swedish industry
- Nobel Prize to Lund – Congratulations Anne L’Huillier and Lund University!
- International research facilities
- Big Science Sweden welcomes new Chair
- Popular Focused Technical Seminar on beam instrumentation
- Qamcom broadens its contact network at CERN
- Productive high-level visit to ITER – Sweden has the relevant expertise
- Biggest ever investment in materials science research in Sweden
- Successful, fully booked, and productive Swedish Big Science Forum in Lund
- Thank you for joining us at Swedish Big Science Forum
- Where are all the women in Big Science?
- AIMday at Swedish Big Science Forum 2024
- Site visits to MAX IV and ESS booked up in no time
- Kompressorteknik’s new order extends collaboration with CERN
- Opportunities for working with Big Science research facilities
- Big Science a new market for ElectroHeat
- SveMek – potential to bid for Big Science contracts
- Vacuum technology seminar provides valuable insights
- Examec wins another order from ESS
- HPC facilities an interesting market for Swedish companies
- Big Science Sweden submits bid to host BSBF 2026
- RISE achieves SKA Observatory approval as a test facility
- In memoriam of Patrik Carlsson
- New member of Big Science Sweden team
- Are you up to date with legislation about dual-use products?
- BSBF2024 launches new version of the Procurement Handbook
- Importance of company perspective highlighted at SKA Science Day
- New project to map technological expertise in northern Sweden
- Big Science Sweden at BSBF 2024
- Interview with Catarina Sahlberg at BSBF 2024
- Big Science Sweden på Almedalsveckan
- 26-27 november samlas Big Science-världen i Lund! Exponera ditt företag här.
- ESS lägger order på Wallins i Eslöv
- Möte på toppnivå om ökat svenskt deltagande i den franska forskningsanläggningen ITER
- Fullt runt bordet på Big Science Morning hos Sigma Lundinova
- En heldag på FREIA i Uppsala runt CRYO and RF inom Big Science
- Konferensen Big Science@LU hos LINXS på Ideon i Lund
- Professor John Conway: Utvecklingen med att få bilder på universum har bara börjat
- En världssensation, första bilden på ett svart hål i universum
- CERN och svenska Zenuity samarbetar runt AI och maskininlärning för självkörande bilar
- Affärsutvecklare inom Big Data, IoT, Data handling och AI till Big Science Sweden
- Välkommen till Lund, Anders Ygeman!
- Bra utbildning och kompetenshöjning inom Ultra High Vaccum
- Big Science Morning i LTH:s avancerade verkstad
- Här skapas 300 Big Science-kontakter som stärker svensk industri
- EU-utlysning • Förstudie för affärer mot globala marknader
- Vetenskapsradion • Söker svaren på universums mysterier på CERN
- Big Science Morning med ITER/Fusion 4 Energy
- The Swedish Guide 2020! Vi satsar på att presentera fler akademiska projekt.
- ESS Control System Data Lab ger möjligheter för forskning, tekniköverföring och innovation inom AI, open data och framtidens fabriker,
- ESS samarbetar med teknikföretaget DVel kring maskininlärning och AI
- The Swedish Guide 2020
- Congratulations X-officio
- Notes from Big Science Business Forum - 1st Webinar
- Don’t miss procurement opportunities!
- Shared knowledge at Focused Technical Workshop: Materials
- Business Corner… for the latest news on procurements
- Call for proposals: Innovation projects in SMEs
- Positive tones at this year’s Big Science@LU
- Big Science Sweden Conference 2020 (1)
- Merry christmas to you-all
- Business Development Officer and Project Manager (Göteborg)
- Big FAIR procurements in 2021
- Swedish cutting-edge technology with global competitiveness
- Welcome to a new member company, LK Precision
- Important input from SMEs on how to grow Big Science business
- Knowledge and technology transfer between ESS, other research facilities, industry, and academia
- Step by Step Big Science Procurements – popular and informative event
- How do you manage financial risks when conducting Big Science business?
- Congratulations to Air Liquide!
- Congratulations to Air Liquide! (1)
- Congratulations to Nordisk Industrioptimering!
- Apply for Pilot project • Industrial utilization of neutron and synchrotron light-based technologies in large-scale research infrastructure
- nVent delivers cabinet solutions to ESS
- Chalmers awarded new key role in SKAO
- AIMday Big Science Technology 2021 proves popular
- Doctorate for Mike Olsson, Technical Expert at Big Science Sweden
- MAX IV and ESS as engines for breakthrough science
- Fagerström CEO joins us at Business Corner from Paris
- Fusion for Energy
- SVT News: Swedish experiment can provide answers to what happened during the Big Bang
- Batch production of superconducting magnets
- Stimulating Technical Workshop on vacuum technology
- Pan-European Partnering in Big Science
- New order to FAIR strengthens TQG's reputation as a reliable supplier to Big Science
- BigScience@LTU 2022 spotlights collaboration between academia and research facilities
- Swedish companies attend ELT event in Geneva
- Big Science Business Forum 2022 in October • The Swedish Pavilion
- Register in supplier databases!
- Join the team developing the next Extremely Large Telescope (ELT)
- Don’t miss this offer, EUR 415, to book your place at BSBF 2022
- Incoil Induktion to service and upgrade mobile induction heaters at CERN
- Catarina Sahlberg continues her Sweden tour, with a rewarding stop in Luleå
- “Swedish interest in fusion energy is increasing”
- Companies joining us at BSBF2022 in Granada
- A key channel for finding Swedish Big Science expertise: The Swedish Guide 2022
- Productive discussions about optimal utilisation of ESS and MAX IV
- SKA Observatory celebrates start of telescope construction in Australia and South Africa
- Insights and useful tips at our Technical Seminar, Advanced Manufacturing
- Glögg party for Swedes at CERN
- Big Science Sweden Steering Committee goes underground at CERN
- Popular careers fair for technology students in Uppsala
- Big Science Sweden team looks ahead
- MTC Powder Solutions to expand with new production site
- Do you know a student who is looking for an exciting challenge?
- Almedalen Week 2023: How can Sweden grow as a Big Science nation?
- Stimulating debate on key issues regarding Sweden and Big Science
- Qamcom wins first Swedish contract in SKAO project
- Big Science Sweden visits Swerim
- Catarina Sahlberg new Chair of the FAIR Council
- New approach needed in Swedish research policy
- Big Science Sweden interview in Dagens Industri
- A warm welcome to Annie Ringvall Moberg
- Member companies at Skånes Industridag
- AAC Omnisys and Qamcom to build equipment for the world’s most advanced radio astronomy observatory
- Big Science Sweden Awards 2024
- Great interest in learning more about tenders
- Doctorate for Max Collins, Business Developer at Big Science Sweden
- Alleima and Uppsala University sign strategic partnership
- Join us at Almedalen Week, 25-28 July 2024
- AIMday in Lund leads to exciting prestudies
- New member of the Big Science Sweden team
- Swedish companies at Swedish Business Pavilion, BSBF2024
- Improve your skills with RISE – see the courses on offer in the 2025 programme
- Engineer 4.0 – Training for the future of smart manufacturing
- Big Science Sweden at Elmia Subcontractor to meet with subcontractors in the manufacturing industry
- Business opportunities in focus when 1.5 billion SEK SHiP project leader visits Sweden
- Thomas Nilsson appointed Scientific Managing Director at GSI and FAIR
- Important logistic challenges discussed at RI.Logistica Conference 2024 at ESS
- November, a month of significant events for meeting new suppliers
- Sweden among seven countries to host Europe’s first AI factories
- An important step for companies: Registering in the facilities’ Supplier Databases
- Glögg at CERN – an almost annual tradition of cosy-styled personal knowledge transfer
- CERN visits Swedish suppliers for SHiP project
- Collaboration between industry and academia powers ITER’s HRNS Development
- Sweden Joins SKAO – unlocking new opportunities in radio astronomy
- The SKAO signing was celebrated in both London and Gothenburg.
- CERN 70 Years – a tour filled with science, connections, and inspiration
- RISE continues to deliver to ITER – now for the third time
- Newsletter
- Press releases
- 2024 The Swedish Guide
- Göra affärer BiSS och Region Skåne
- Göra affärer BiSS och VGR
- Knowledge, innovation, international collaboration
- AIMday Big Science Technology 2024
- Starta din karriär inom Big Science
- 2022 The Swedish Guide
- 2021 The Swedish Guide
- 2020 The Swedish Guide
- The Swedish Guide • 2019
- 2022 our report from BSBF2022
- 2022 Nordic ITER Business Forum
- Big Science Sweden 2021 in brief
- 2020 Big science Sweden in brief
- Big Science Sweden Conference 2019 In English
- Big Science Sweden Conference 2019-SE
- 2019 på CERN med medlemsföretag
- Big Science Sweden 2019 in brief
- Sweden @ Iter
- Big Science samarbete
- Sverige på CERN 2018
- BIG Science på DESY och XFEL
- 2018 Big Science Sweden på BSBF2018
Press Releases
Pressinbjudan, Almedalen 29 Juni 2023
Under Almedalsveckan arrangerar Big Science Sweden ett panelsamtal om Sveriges potential att växa som Big Science-nation genom att bidra till teknikutvecklingen på de stora forskningsanläggningarna.
Catarina Sahlberg appointed new programme director for Big Science Sweden
Catarina Sahlberg, currently research advisor at Uppsala University, will take up the position of programme director at Big Science Sweden in mid-August 2022.
210817 Pressrelease Nordisk Industrioptimering
Nordisk Industrioptimering AB has won its first Big Science order, and will be supplying racks to FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which is under construction in Darmstadt in Germany.
Big Science Sweden Conference 2020
Svensk högteknologisk industri diskuterar affärer och samarbeten med CERN, ESS och MAX IV på en fullsatt virtuell Big Science-konferens. Över 200 deltagare från 12 olika länder.
Go Virtual Vinner Stororder från CERN på 15 Miljoner SEK
IT-företaget Go Virtual, med huvudkontor i Askim/Göteborg, har vunnit en omfattande order från CERN, på 15 miljoner SEK.
Big Science Sweden Conference 2019
Svensk industri diskuterar stora affärer och samarbeten med europeiska forskningsanläggningar på fullsatt Big Science-konferens
Luma Metall wins substantial order from CERN
Luma Metall AB in Kalmar, a Swedish high-tech producer of Ultra Fine Wire, has won a large order for more than 400 km wire. The company’s wire will be used for the upgrade of the ATLAS detector at CERN.
Mångmiljonorder till svenska Qamcom
I hård internationell konkurrens har det svenska teknikföretaget Qamcom vunnit en prestigefylld upphandling från den markbaserade rymdforskningsanläggningen EISCAT utanför Kiruna. EISCAT studerar samspelet mellan den övre atmosfären och rymden.
Conference Future Production Systems Supported by Artificial Intelligence i Lund
Big Science Sweden och ESS som värdpar, tillsammans med och Cross Border för konferensen Future Production Systems Supported by Artificial Intelligence.
Sandvik tar hem stororder från CERN
Nu kan Sandvik Materials Technology stoltsera med en stororder från CERN till ett omfattande uppgraderingsprojekt av en accelerator.