Connecting Swedish industry, universities, and research institutes with international research organisations
Large-scale research facilities are conducting groundbreaking research all over the world. Big Science Sweden serves as a bridge between Swedish industry and academia and these facilities.
Our mission
- Support Swedish industry, universities, and research institutes in contributing to excellent ground-based Big Science facilities.
- Focus on high-tech contributions that drive research, innovation, and international collaboration, and generate good business for Sweden.
- Create value for Swedish industry and society by transferring new knowledge, technology, and competencies to other areas of application.
Sweden’s ILO and The Swedish Guide
Big Science Sweden is Sweden’s ILO, Industrial Liaison Office, and is responsible for providing Swedish industry with first-hand information on business and collaboration opportunities. We publish current and upcoming procurements.
Also on our website is The Swedish Guide, a catalogue of up-to-date information about Swedish high-tech companies and universities, and what they can offer the demanding Big Science market.
National organisation
Most of the Big Science Sweden team have backgrounds as researchers in various fields of technology, and divide their time between Big Science Sweden and a university. We are a national organisation, with nodes in Luleå, Uppsala, Göteborg/Borås, and Lund. Our team.
Big Sciences Sweden’s services
Contacts and specialist expertise are vital in increasing the opportunities for Swedish industry to win orders and for universities and research institutes to find collaboration and project partners. Our services therefore include:
- Spreading information
- Building networks and relationships
- Working actively and proactively on upcoming procurements
- Arranging events
Examples of our events
Swedish Big Science Forum – Researchers, industry and research facilities meet to discuss the latest developments in Big Science, share experiences, make contacts, and find possible business and collaboration partners.
AIMday Big Science Technology – Research facilities discuss their challenges with scientists from Swedish universities and institutes and representatives from Swedish high-tech companies.
Big Science Technical Seminars – The aim is to strengthen the expertise and skills of supplier companies and their abilities to deliver advanced technology.