September 16, 2020 Shared knowledge at Focused Technical Workshop: Materials At a half-day session in September, around 20 academic researchers and representatives from member companies gathered to learn more about ma…
September 14, 2020 BigScience@LU • Academic input in Big Science facilities The annual BigScience@LU event will be held on 5 November 2020 at LINXS Ideon and online via Zoom. This promises to be a day filled with ins…
September 7, 2020 Qtech Group receives order from ESS The research facility ESS in Lund is under construction, as is its workshop, and a number of Swedish companies are vying to supply services.…
August 26, 2020 Don’t miss procurement opportunities! Big Science Sweden holds a Business Corner meeting every Wednesday, 10-10.30. Look for business opportunities and keep up to date with the l…
August 25, 2020 Big Science Sweden in partnership with the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group Big Science Sweden is expanding its operations by setting up a Tech Transfer Office. This is an important step that will enable us to make s…
August 25, 2020 Examec – small but weekly orders to CERN Our member company, Examec in Tomelilla, with specialist expertise in advanced machine engineering, sends small but weekly orders to the mec…
June 26, 2020 Big Science Sweden welcomes new colleagues During the spring, the Big Science Sweden team has been strengthened with two new colleagues – Charlotte Lorentz Hjort in Lund and Staffan S…
June 23, 2020 European Strategy for Particle Physics 2020 The European Strategy Group has published the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. This is the second update of the st…
June 22, 2020 Congratulations X-officio Our member company X-officio has won an important contract with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Secretariat.
June 21, 2020 Notes from the Big Science Business Forum - 1st Webinar COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on the Big Science Market
June 12, 2020 The Swedish Guide 2020 now published - many thanks to everyone who contributed! This year's edition, an extensive publication of 356 pages, contains presentations of 208 companies with the capacity and knowledge to suppl…
May 26, 2020 New knowledge, networking, and constructive dialogue at training session on procurement How can companies boost their chances of winning contracts from research facilities through procurement processes? In a recent Big Science t…
May 12, 2020 Big Science Virtual Workshop • 15 European countries represented On 11 May 2020, 186 participants from 15 European countries connected to the Big Science Virtual Workshop. High-tech suppliers from all over…
April 23, 2020 Grattis Dvel! Ett av våra medlemsföretag har inlett ett samarbete med ESS i ett nytt Vinnova-projekt. Ett av våra medlemsföretag, teknikföretaget DVel i Lund, specialister på bland annat styrsystem, har inlett ett samarbete med ESS i ett nytt…
April 22, 2020 Från hela landet kopplade vi upp oss för att höra det senaste om ESS och aktuella upphandlingar Big Science Morning • ESS är färdigt till 67 % - det finns alltså fortfarande mer att bygga och installera! En del ramavtal är på väg att fö…