February 9, 2021 Big FAIR procurements in 2021 Our recent event, “Big Science Morning with FAIR”, attracted no fewer than 50 participants, who gathered to hear the latest news about upcom…
February 4, 2021 New era for radio astronomy • Launch of international observatory SKAO The SKA Observatory, a new intergovernmental organisation dedicated to radio astronomy, was launched 4 Februari 2021.
January 26, 2021 BigScience@ Workshops During 2021, we will be arranging Big Science@ workshops together with some of the leading universities and research institutes in Sweden. T…
January 25, 2021 Specialist expertise in processing of exotic materials led to CERN order Our member company, 2B Best Business, has received its first order from CERN, likely the first stage in a rewarding collaboration with the f…
January 24, 2021 The Swedish Guide 2021 - time to update your information! Last year's edition, an extensive publication of 356 pages, featured presentations of no fewer than 208 companies with the capacity, skills…
January 20, 2021 AQ Elautomatik to supply power converter racks to CERN The Big Science Sweden member company AQ Elautomatik, which has previously supplied orders to ESS and MAX IV, has now won its first order fr…
January 19, 2021 Business Development Officer and Project Manager (Göteborg) We are looking for someone who can develop business and innovation relating to large-scale research facilities, by working with high-tech co…
December 17, 2020 Congratulations Load! Against tough competition, Load System AB has won an IT order from ESS. Big Science Sweden particularly wants to highlight this, since Load…
December 16, 2020 A Christmas message from Director Anna Hall Dear All, We’re coming to the end of 2020 – an unusual year that brought a lot of new challenges… but also possibilities. Things have defini…
December 13, 2020 Today’s CERN Alumni Advent Calendar window takes us to Sweden Julia Hellström worked at CERN as a Technical Student and then as a Research Fellow. She is now based in Eskilstuna in Sweden, working at Bi…
December 12, 2020 Big Science Sweden Award The Big Science Sweden Award is given in four categories to individuals showing particular engagement in helping to build Sweden as a Big Sc…
December 11, 2020 Collaboration between ESS and DESY • Workshop on Intelligent Control Systems A new pilot study is strengthening collaboration between the research facilities ESS in Lund and DESY outside Hamburg. Greater collaboration…
December 3, 2020 Focused Technical Workshop: Remote Handling On 22 October, Big Science Sweden gathered industry, academia, and research facilities in a technical workshop on remote handling. The works…
November 30, 2020 Discovery Day – Innovate with CERN • Knowledge transfer event proves popular Big Science Sweden is developing a Knowledge Transfer Office within Big Science, and is establishing collaboration with the CERN Knowledge T…
November 26, 2020 Big Science Sweden Conference 2020 Great atmosphere, fast tempo, and a feeling of almost physical presence when Big Science Sweden Conference 2020 went digital.