First Swedish contract in SKAO project

Qamcom, based in Gothenburg, is a knowledge-based research and technology company with specialist expertise in hardware, software, and systems development.
In 2023, Qamcom was awarded the first Swedish industrial contract by SKAO – the Square Kilometre Array Observatory. This was a prestige order, not only for Qamcom but also for Sweden as a whole, since the contract acknowledges Swedish technology as an integral part of this massive international project.
“It is prestige order, not only for Qamcom but also for Sweden as a whole.”
Subsystem to transform signals from space
SKAO is building the two largest radio telescopes in the world, located in Australia and South Africa. Qamcom’s contract concerns the SKA-Mid telescope in South Africa. The mission is to design and produce a complete subsystem that will transform analogue signals from space into amplified and clean digital signals.
The project draws upon the full capabilities of the company, from systems engineering and electronics development to project and production management, as well as verification, installation, and integration.
Strategic step
The order marks an important step for Qamcom into the international Big Science market.
“We collaborate with Big Science Sweden, and they have helped us with building networks" says Bengt Münter, Project Manager at Qamcom. “Big Science is still a new field for us, but we want to become more firmly established in this market.”
Christopher Ahlström, Head of Brand and Marketing, emphasises the strategic importance of the order.
“The contract requires great expertise, and we’re proud to have won the order against tough global competition,” he comments. “It also gives us the chance to collaborate with people from different countries, find synergies, and showcase Swedish specialist technology.”
Collaboration with Onsala and Chalmers
Qamcom is involved in the SKAO project in collaboration with Onsala Space Observatory and Chalmers University of Technology, which lead Swedish interests in the construction of the SKAO telescopes.
Last edited 2024