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Past newsletters
January 2021
AQ Elautomatik to supply to CERN, 2B Best Business, has received its first order from CERN, Make it a habit to connect to our Business Corner on Wednesdays...
December 2020
Big Sweden Conference 2020, Big Science Sweden Award, Congratulations Load, Discovery Day, Innovate with CERN, Workshop on Intelligent Control Systems, Big Science@LU, Focused Technical Workshop: Remote Handling
October 2010
Qamcom wins order for major space project, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for research using ESO telescopes on Milky Way's supermassive black hole, Shared knowledge at Uppsala University
September 2020
Welcome back to an exciting autumn!, Big Science Conference 2020, Business Corner, Big Science Sweden in partnership with the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group, Examec – small but weekly orders to CERN
2006 Big Science Sweden Newsletter • June
Swedish Guide 2020 now published • Many thanks to everyone who contributed, Big Science Conference 2020 • 24 November 2020, Webinars ahead of BSBF 2021, Big Science Sweden welcomes new colleagues
April 2020
Big Science Virtual Workshop • Möjlighet för forskning, tekniköverföring och innovation inom AI, open data och framtidens fabriker • Samarbete Dvel i Lund har inlett ett samarbete med ESS i ett nytt Vinnova-projekt