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Past newsletters
February 2022
The Nordic ITER Business Forum, Fagerström robot system to Forsmark nuclear plant, Participants from 25 countries joined our virtual brokerage event...
December 2021
Knowledge transfer – how do we make it happen?, Fagerström CEO joins Business Corner from Paris, Big Science Sweden observer at MAX IV, Merry Christmas to you all!
October 2021
Key role for Chalmers in telescope project, IVA Gold Medal for Lars Börjesson, AIMday Big Science Technology 2021 proves popular, Interesting discussions at AIMday Materials 2021, nVent delivers cabinet solutions to ESS
September 2021
Discuss challenges facing Big Science research facilities, Quality Management event attracts great interest, Big Science Sweden members in ESS framework agreement
June 2021
How do you manage financial risks when conducting Big Science business? Step by Step Big Science Procurements – popular and informative event, Popular seminar on collaboration between industry and academia
April 2021
Coming up Focused Technical Workshop: Carbon Fibre, Knowledge and technology transfer with ESS, Proact IT Sweden to provide IT infrastructure services to research facilities and Successes for our member company, MCT Brattberg
March 2021
Swedish cutting-edge technology with global competitiveness, Data handling at Big Science Morning, Big FAIR procurements in 2021, Important input from SMEs on how to grow Big Science business