Advisory Board
Our node-based advisory boards are important strategic discussion partners.
Node South
Office in Lund and Programme office
Catarina Sahlberg, Director Big Science Sweden
Martin Stankovski (Chair)
Project Manager and Development Strategist at Lund University
Muhammad Ali
Senior Area Coordinator LSRI at RISE
Thomas Arnebrant
Pro-Dean, Faculty of Health and Society at Malmo University
Pia Kinhult
Head of Host States Relations at ESS
Magnus Larsson
Head of Industrial Relations at MAX IV
Fredrik Melander
Head of R&D Relations at Science Village Scandinavia
Björn Åhlander
Legal adviser, Region South at the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries
Node East
Office in Uppsala
Fredrik Engelmark, Business Development & Project Management
Linus Andersson
Advisor at ALMI Företagspartner, Uppsala
Erik Asplund
Business strategist at Region Uppsala
Marcus Lindahl
Professor at Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Uppsala University
Leif Lyckebäck
Innovation and business advisor at RISE in Uppsala
Node West
Office in Gothenburg
Patrik Carlsson, Co-Director Big Science Sweden
Lars Börjesson (Chair)
Professor, Dept of Physics and Senior Advisor to the President of Chalmers
Hans Fogelberg
R&D and innovation policy expert, Region Västra Götaland
Aleksandar Matic
Professor/Head of Division, Materials Physics, Department of Physics at Chalmers
Kjell Möller
Chairman Big Science Sweden
Anne Norén
Vice President-Research and Business Development, Safety and Transport at RISE
Node North
Office in Luleå
Adam Wikström, Business Development & Project Management
Per Erik Andersson
Innovation strategist at Region Norrbotten
Johan Eriksson
Head of Research in Process Metallurgy at Swerim
Tor Björn Minde
CEO at RISE ICE Datacenter
Pär Weihed
Vice-Chancellor, Luleå University of Technology