Strategic approach brings major Big Science orders

RFR Solutions
Mats Orup, Managing Director of RFR Solutions, saw the potential afforded by two major investments in Big Science facilities in Lund, and decided to aim for MAX IV and ESS contracts as a supplier. To do this, Mats needed to develop expertise and skills within the company in fields relevant for particle accelerators. RFR Solutions offers development and production of large stainless steel systems, often of a size and complexity that few other companies can deliver.
An opportunity to experience something like this only pops up once in a lifetime. By working strategically, RFR Solutions has now won big orders from both ESS and CERN.
“An opportunity to experience something like this only pops up once in a lifetime,” says Mats, reflecting on the company's development over nearly ten years. By working strategically, RFR Solutions has now won big orders from both ESS and CERN.
“We spent the first years building up our expertise, and we won some small orders from MAX IV and ESS. We’ve now got a much stronger expertise base, but we’ve also built relationships and confidence in our capacity with both ESS and CERN. This has enabled us to win a number of very large and complex contracts from both these facilities.”
In one project, RFR Solutions, together with the FREIA laboratory at Uppsala University, is developing a new and unique system solution in cryogenics. The system, currently under development, will be delivered to CERN in a few years.
The strategic goal to become an established supplier to Big Science facilities has opened up an important new market for RFR Solutions, a market with long-term growth potential and where expertise and precision are in great demand. The projects involving research facilities provide important experience and references when RFR Solutions approaches prospective clients in other sectors. Experiences from Big Science, and the expertise that has developed, can open doors to other high-tech markets. If RFR Solutions is to grow as a supplier to this market, the company needs to develop further projects in collaboration with universities and research institutes.
Publishing year 2019
Last edited 2020